Karen Bell (KB) is an internationally acclaimed clairvoyant and channel who offers powerful channelled teachings to help people connect with their true self - the soul.

Karen is the channel for an extra-dimensional being named Sarai, who identifies herself as an ambassador for a collective consciousness of healers. The intention of this collective is to shift our perception and invoke healing by releasing the limiting thoughts and beliefs that keep us disconnected from our true identity. Her channelled videos reach thousands of people every month on her YouTube channel.

Karen has been offering intuitive readings to clients all over the world since 2007 and is an active lecturer and medium in the Canadian Spiritualist community. Karen was privately mentored by renowned UK psychic medium Tony Stockwell.

Work With Karen

  • Intuitive Readings

    Receive insight, support and guidance and clear any emotional-energetic blocks that may be limiting you.

  • Channeled Sessions

    Communicate directly with Karen’s guide Sarai and receive direct answers to your questions.

  • Mentoring

    Develop your intuition & psychic ability, deepen your awareness and receive personalized support in your spiritual development.

Join My Online Community

I created my Patreon community as a way to connect with like-minded people from all over the world in a supportive environment.

We share an interest in spiritual awakening, intuitive development, and the teachings of Sarai (the guide I channel).

We connect weekly to meditate together on Zoom. I also post bonus video content that is exclusive to the community for everyone to enjoy.

You can also send me direct messages and ask questions on Patreon - I’ll either respond directly or create a video response if I think it is something that everyone would benefit from.

Don’t miss out on this beautiful opportunity to connect more deeply with yourself, work with me on an ongoing basis and feel the support of belonging to a community.